How to Fix the "ReferenceError: <variable> is not defined" Error

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In the world of JavaScript programming, encountering errors is a common occurrence. One such error that developers often face is the "ReferenceError: <variable> is not defined" error. This error is thrown when a variable is being used before it is declared or if it is not declared at all. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of this error, understand why it might happen, and present two possible solutions to fix it.

Example Scenario

To better grasp the "ReferenceError: <variable> is not defined" error, let's consider a simple example. Imagine we have a JavaScript function that calculates the average of two numbers. To achieve this, we create two variables, num1 and num2, and attempt to sum them up and divide the result by 2. However, if we mistakenly misspell one of the variable names or forget to declare it, we would encounter the "ReferenceError: <variable> is not defined" error.
function calculateAverage() {
    let num1 = 5;
    let num2 = 10;
    let sum = num11 + num2; // Oops! Misspelled num1 as num11
    let average = sum / 2;
    return average;

console.log(calculateAverage()); // Throws ReferenceError: num1 is not defined


Now that we understand why the "ReferenceError: <variable> is not defined" error can happen, let's explore two possible solutions to fix it.

Solution 1: Correct Variable Name or Declaration

One straightforward solution is to ensure that the variable in question is correctly named and declared. In the previous example, we misspelled num1 as num11, which caused the error to be thrown. By simply correcting the variable name to num1, the error will be resolved.
function calculateAverage() {
    let num1 = 5;
    let num2 = 10;
    let sum = num1 + num2;
    let average = sum / 2;
    return average;

console.log(calculateAverage()); // Outputs: 7.5

Solution 2: Move Variable Declaration

Another solution to fix the "ReferenceError: <variable> is not defined" error is by ensuring that the variable is declared before its usage. In some cases, variables may need to be declared in a specific order to avoid this error. Let's consider an example where a variable is used in a loop, but its declaration is placed outside the loop:
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    sum += i;

console.log(sum); // Outputs: 55
In this scenario, the variable sum is declared outside the loop and then used inside. If we were to place the variable declaration inside the loop, we would encounter the "ReferenceError: sum is not defined" error.


The "ReferenceError: <variable> is not defined" error can be a frustrating stumbling block for JavaScript developers. By understanding why this error occurs and having knowledge of simple solutions, such as correcting variable names or ensuring proper declaration order, we can quickly fix it and become more proficient in our JavaScript programming endeavors. Remember, paying attention to small details like variable declarations can have a significant impact on the functionality and correctness of our code. Keep debugging and happy coding!
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